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day(s) hour(s) min(s) sec(s) < 1 min
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Lots you are currently bidding on.

{{ item.Make }} {{ item.Model }} - CAT {{ item.TotalLossCategory }}

{{ item.EngineCapacity }}cc, {{ item.Doors }} Doors, {{ item.Transmission }}, {{ item.YearOfManufacture }}, {{ item.Mileage | number:0 }} {{ item.MileageType }}

This listing has a video

{{ item.AssetType }} - {{ item.AssetTitle }}

{{ item.AssetDescription }}

Vehicle Location: {{ item.VendorAddress3 }}, {{ item.VendorAddress4 }}

Current Bid: ${{ item.HighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met)(reserve not met)

Your Max Bid: ${{ item.OwnMaxBid | number:0 }}

Ending: {{ item.EndDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy HH:mm' }}

Time Left: Auction Ended

You are the highest bidder

You have been outbid

You are not currently bidding on any listings.

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Lots you are currently watching.

{{ item.Make }} {{ item.Model }} - CAT {{ item.TotalLossCategory }}

{{ item.EngineCapacity }}cc, {{ item.Doors }} Doors, {{ item.Transmission }}, {{ item.YearOfManufacture }}, {{ item.Mileage | number:0 }} {{ item.MileageType }}

This listing has a video

{{ item.AssetType }} - {{ item.AssetTitle }}

{{ item.AssetDescription }}

Vehicle Location: {{ item.VendorAddress3 }}, {{ item.VendorAddress4 }}

Current Bid: ${{ item.DisplayHighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met)(reserve not met)

Price: ${{ item.Reserve | number:0 }}

Ending: {{ item.EndDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy HH:mm' }}

Time Left: Auction Ended

You are the highest bidder

You have been outbid


You are not currently watching any listings.

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Lots you have won. (Showing {{ WonPaging.TotalCount }})

{{ item.Make }} {{ item.Model }} - CAT {{ item.TotalLossCategory }}

{{ item.EngineCapacity }}cc, {{ item.Doors }} Doors, {{ item.Transmission }}, {{ item.YearOfManufacture }}, {{ item.Mileage | number:0 }} {{ item.MileageType }}

This listing has a video

{{ item.AssetType }} - {{ item.AssetTitle }}

{{ item.AssetDescription }}

Vehicle Location: {{ item.VendorAddress3 }}, {{ item.VendorAddress4 }}

Your Bid: ${{ item.HighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met)(reserve not met)

Price: ${{ item.Reserve | number:0 }}

Ended: {{ item.EndDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy HH:mm' }}

Congratulations, you have won this auction

You have not won any listings in the selected time frame.

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Provisional auctions.

{{ item.Make }} {{ item.Model }} - CAT {{ item.TotalLossCategory }}

{{ item.EngineCapacity }}cc, {{ item.Doors }} Doors, {{ item.Transmission }}, {{ item.YearOfManufacture }}, {{ item.Mileage | number:0 }} {{ item.MileageType }}

This listing has a video

{{ item.AssetType }} - {{ item.AssetTitle }}

{{ item.AssetDescription }}

Vehicle Location: {{ item.VendorAddress3 }}, {{ item.VendorAddress4 }}

Highest Bid: ${{ item.HighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met)(reserve not met)

Your Max Bid: ${{ item.OwnMaxBid | number:0 }}

Ended: {{ item.EndDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy HH:mm' }}

You are the highest bidder

You have been outbid

The vendor has offered to sell you this listing at the current price of $ {{ item.HighestBid | number:0 }}


You have currently no provisionals on any listings.

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Lots you missed out on. (Showing {{ LostPaging.TotalCount }})

{{ item.Make }} {{ item.Model }} - CAT {{ item.TotalLossCategory }}

{{ item.EngineCapacity }}cc, {{ item.Doors }} Doors, {{ item.Transmission }}, {{ item.YearOfManufacture }}, {{ item.Mileage | number:0 }} {{ item.MileageType }}

This listing has a video

{{ item.AssetType }} - {{ item.AssetTitle }}

{{ item.AssetDescription }}

Vehicle Location: {{ item.VendorAddress3 }}, {{ item.VendorAddress4 }}

Highest Bid: ${{ item.HighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met)(reserve not met)

Your Bid: ${{ item.OwnHighestBid | number:0 }}

Ended: {{ item.EndDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy HH:mm' }}

You were outbid

You have not lost any listings in the selected time frame.

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Lots you are currently selling.

Listing cancelled.

Listing could not be cancelled at this time.

{{ item.Make }} {{ item.Model }} - {{ item.RegistrationNumber }} - CAT {{ item.TotalLossCategory }}

{{ item.EngineCapacity }}cc, {{ item.Doors }} Doors, {{ item.Transmission }}, {{ item.YearOfManufacture }}, {{ item.Mileage | number:0 }} {{ item.MileageType }}

This listing has a video

{{ item.AssetType }} - {{ item.AssetTitle }}

{{ item.AssetDescription }}

Vehicle Location: {{ item.VendorAddress3 }}, {{ item.VendorAddress4 }}

Highest Bid: ${{ item.HighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met)(reserve not met)

Reserve: ${{ item.Reserve | number:0 }}

Price: ${{ item.Reserve | number:0 }}

SIV: ${{ item.SIV | number:0 }}

Ending: {{ item.EndDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy HH:mm' }}

Time Left: Auction Ended

View Edit Edit

No listings found.

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Lots you have sold. (Showing {{ SoldPaging.TotalCount }})

{{ item.Make }} {{ item.Model }} - {{ item.RegistrationNumber }} - CAT {{ item.TotalLossCategory }}

{{ item.EngineCapacity }}cc, {{ item.Doors }} Doors, {{ item.Transmission }}, {{ item.YearOfManufacture }}, {{ item.Mileage | number:0 }} {{ item.MileageType }}

This listing has a video

{{ item.AssetType }} - {{ item.AssetTitle }}

{{ item.AssetDescription }}

Highest Bid: ${{ item.HighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met)(reserve not met)

Price: ${{ item.Reserve | number:0 }}

Ended: {{ item.EndDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy HH:mm' }}

Vehicle Location: {{ item.VendorAddress3 }}, {{ item.VendorAddress4 }}

No listings found.

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Lots you have provisionally sold.

Listing cancelled.

Listing could not be cancelled at this time.

Listing offered to top bidder.

Listing could not be offered to the top bidder at this time.

{{ item.Make }} {{ item.Model }} - {{ item.RegistrationNumber }} - CAT {{ item.TotalLossCategory }}

{{ item.EngineCapacity }}cc, {{ item.Doors }} Doors, {{ item.Transmission }}, {{ item.YearOfManufacture }}, {{ item.Mileage | number:0 }} {{ item.MileageType }}

This listing has a video

{{ item.AssetType }} - {{ item.AssetTitle }}

{{ item.AssetDescription }}

Highest Bid: ${{ item.HighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met)(reserve not met)

Reserve: ${{ item.Reserve | number:0 }}

SIV: ${{ item.SIV | number:0 }}

Ended: {{ item.EndDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy HH:mm' }}

Vehicle Location: {{ item.VendorAddress3 }}, {{ item.VendorAddress4 }}

Offer made to top bidder

The highest bidder has not accepted your offer


No listings found.

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Lots which have not sold. (Showing {{ NotSoldPaging.TotalCount }})

Listing removed.

Listing could not be removed at this time.

{{ item.Make }} {{ item.Model }} - {{ item.RegistrationNumber }} - CAT {{ item.TotalLossCategory }}

{{ item.EngineCapacity }}cc, {{ item.Doors }} Doors, {{ item.Transmission }}, {{ item.YearOfManufacture }}, {{ item.Mileage | number:0 }} {{ item.MileageType }}

This listing has a video

{{ item.AssetType }} - {{ item.AssetTitle }}

{{ item.AssetDescription }}

Highest Bid: ${{ item.HighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met)(reserve not met)

Reserve: ${{ item.Reserve | number:0 }}

Price: ${{ item.Reserve | number:0 }}

SIV: ${{ item.SIV | number:0 }}

Ended: {{ item.EndDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy HH:mm' }}

Vehicle Location: {{ item.VendorAddress3 }}, {{ item.VendorAddress4 }}

View Relist Relist

No listings found.

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Lots you have still to list.

Listing removed.

Listing could not be removed at this time.

{{ item.Make }} {{ item.Model }} - {{ item.RegistrationNumber }} - CAT {{ item.TotalLossCategory }}

{{ item.EngineCapacity }}cc, {{ item.Doors }} Doors, {{ item.Transmission }}, {{ item.YearOfManufacture }}, {{ item.Mileage | number:0 }} {{ item.MileageType }}

This listing has a video

{{ item.AssetType }} - {{ item.AssetTitle }}

{{ item.AssetDescription }}

Vehicle Location: {{ item.VendorAddress3 }}, {{ item.VendorAddress4 }}

Appraisal Date: {{ item.CreatedDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy' }}

Sell Sell

No pending listings found.

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Lots you have cancelled. (Showing {{ CancelledPaging.TotalCount }})

Listing removed.

Listing could not be removed at this time.

{{ item.Make }} {{ item.Model }} - {{ item.RegistrationNumber }} - CAT {{ item.TotalLossCategory }}

{{ item.EngineCapacity }}cc, {{ item.Doors }} Doors, {{ item.Transmission }}, {{ item.YearOfManufacture }}, {{ item.Mileage | number:0 }} {{ item.MileageType }}

This listing has a video

{{ item.AssetType }} - {{ item.AssetTitle }}

{{ item.AssetDescription }}

Vehicle Location: {{ item.VendorAddress3 }}, {{ item.VendorAddress4 }}

Highest Bid: ${{ item.HighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met)(reserve not met)

Price: ${{ item.Reserve | number:0 }}

View Relist Relist

No listings found.

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{{ User.Client.Address2 }}
{{ User.Client.Address3 }}
{{ User.Client.Address4 }}
{{ User.Client.PostCode }}
{{ User.Client.Address5Translated }}
{{ User.ClientContact.Telephone }}
{{ User.ClientContact.Mobile }}
{{ User.Client.Fax }}
{{ User.ClientContact.Email }}

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Your history contains details of all invoices applied to your account. (Showing {{ TransactionsPaging.TotalCount }})

Reference Date Created Auction Registration Amount Type Status Description Actions
{{ transaction.TransactionReference }} {{ transaction.CreatedDate | date:'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm' }} {{ transaction.ListingReference }} {{ transaction.ListingRegistrationNumber }} ${{ transaction.Debit | number: 0 }} Vendor Fee - Invoice Buyer Fee - Invoice Buyer Fee - WorldPay Website Subscription - Invoice Website Subscription - WorldPay Failed Complete Credited {{ transaction.Description }} - {{ transaction.CreditDate | date:'dd/MM/yy HH:mm' }} {{ transaction.Description }}

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