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This Auction has been cancelled by the Vendor.
This Auction has now ended.

Auction ID: {{ Listing.ListingReference }}

${{ Listing.Reserve | number:0 }}
Current Bid:
${{ Listing.DisplayHighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met) (reserve not met) ${{ Listing.HighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met) (reserve not met)
{{ Listing.NumberOfBids | number:0 }} (${{ Listing.StartingBid | number:0 }} starting bid)
Start Time:
{{ Listing.AuctionStartTime | date:'dd MMM yyyy HH:mm'}}
Time Left:
day(s) hour(s) min(s) sec(s) < 1 min

Auction Ending...

Auction Ended
Auction Ends:
{{ Listing.AuctionEndTime | date:'dd MMM yyyy HH:mm'}}
Vehicle Location:
{{ Listing.VendorAddress2 }}, {{ Listing.VendorAddress4 }}

You are the highest bidder

You are the highest bidder

Congratulations, you have won this auction

You were outbid

Listing cancelled.

Listing could not be cancelled at this time.

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Buyer Information

{{ Listing.BuyerName }}
{{ Listing.BuyerContactName }}
{{ Listing.BuyerAddress1 }}
{{ Listing.BuyerAddress2 }}
{{ Listing.BuyerAddress4 }}
{{ Listing.BuyerAddress5 }}
{{ Listing.BuyerPostcode }}
{{ Listing.BuyerTelephone }}
{{ Listing.BuyerMobile }}
{{ Listing.BuyerEmail }}
{{ Listing.BuyerCompanyNumber }}
Licence No:
{{ Listing.BuyerTraderNumber }}

Vendor Information

{{ Listing.VendorName }}
{{ Listing.VendorContactName }}
{{ Listing.VendorAddress1 }}
{{ Listing.VendorAddress2 }}
{{ Listing.VendorAddress4 }}
{{ Listing.VendorAddress5 }}
{{ Listing.VendorPostcode }}
{{ Listing.VendorTelephone }}
{{ Listing.VendorMobile }}
{{ Listing.VendorEmail }}
Please enter your maximum bid amount. The system will bid up to this amount on your behalf.
${{ Listing.DisplayHighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met)(reserve not met) ${{ Listing.OwnMaxBid | number:0 }}
Your bid could not be accepted as it did not reach the minimum bid requirements.
You have been outbid. Please try again.
Congratulations. you are now the highest bidder.
Sorry we could not process your bid at his time.

Enter your maximum bid:

(${{ Listing.StartingBid | number:0 }}{{ MinimumBid | number:0 }} or more)
(plus ${{ Listing.GenericInt1 | number:0 }} pre-paid LCT & GST)

Please check and confirm your maximum bid amount.

${{ MaximumBid | number:0 }}

({{ BidText }})

All bids are final.

Please check and confirm you wish to buy this for the amount shown.

${{ Listing.Reserve | number:0 }}

({{ ReserveText }})

All purchases are final.

Congratulations. You have purchased this item.
Sorry we could not process your purchase at his time.

Vehicle Details

Registration Number:
{{ Listing.RegistrationNumber }}
{{ Listing.Make }}
{{ Listing.Model }}
{{ Listing.BodyType }}
{{ Listing.Mileage | number:0 }} {{ Listing.MileageType }}
Build Year:
{{ Listing.YearOfManufacture }}
Compliance Year:
{{ Listing.DateOfFirstRegistration | date:'dd MMM yyyy' }}
Body Colour:
{{ Listing.Colour }}
Trim Colour:
{{ Listing.TrimColour }}
{{ Listing.TransmissionType }}
{{ Listing.FuelType }}
Number of Doors:
{{ Listing.Doors }}
Engine Size:
{{ Listing.EngineCapacity }}cc
{{ Listing.Vin }}
Service Books:
Yes No
Grey Import:
Yes No
Service History:
{{ Listing.ServiceHistoryType }}
Registration Expiry:
{{ Listing.RegistrationExpiry | date:'MMM yyyy' }}

Full Specification

{{ spec }},

Additional Specification

{{ specItem }}

Service Details

Date Mileage Dealer Comments
{{ service.ServiceDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy' }} {{ service.ServiceMileage | number:0 }} {{ service.ServicingDealer }} {{ service.Comments }}

Additional Comments

{{ Listing.AppraisalNotes }}


Vehicle Splat
{{ item.Description }}{{item.Code}}


(Hover over icons for detail)

Tyre Conditions

Front Left Front Right Rear Left Rear Right
{{ TyreDepthLookUp[Listing.FrontLeftTyreDepth] || Listing.FrontLeftTyreDepth }}N/A {{ TyreDepthLookUp[Listing.FrontRightTyreDepth] || Listing.FrontRightTyreDepth }}N/A {{ TyreDepthLookUp[Listing.RearLeftTyreDepth] || Listing.RearLeftTyreDepth }}N/A {{ TyreDepthLookUp[Listing.RearRightTyreDepth] || Listing.RearRightTyreDepth }}N/A

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By using this Website you agree to the terms and conditions which includes the privacy policy (Terms).
Please continue to review these Terms whenever possible and in particular prior to submitting any bids through the Website's auction facility
  • To be the winning bid, your bid must be the highest bid placed at the end of the auction and must meet any other conditions which may be specific to that auction.
  • After a bid has been placed it may not be withdrawn for any reason.
  • If the reserve price for the auction you are bidding on is not met, however you are the highest bidder the selling dealer may contact you to accept your highest bid
  • If any additional conditions apply, they will be published along with the description of the Goods prior to the commencement of each auction.
  • When the auction closes, the agreement for the purchase of the Goods becomes binding (Title passes on receipt of cleared funds).
  • All Goods must be paid for in cleared funds in Australian Dollars by agreement of the selling dealership and collected within 72 hours of the auction ending.
  • Please allow when bidding an additional $200 of damage/reconditioning which may not be noted on the vehicle appraisal.
  • You shall at your own expense collect the Goods purchased but not before payment in cleared funds has been received in accordance with the payment terms.


{{ Listing.Make }} {{ Listing.Model }} - {{ Listing.RegistrationNumber }}
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