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{{ item.Make }} {{ item.Model }}

{{ item.Make }} {{ item.Model }} - CAT {{ item.TotalLossCategory }}

{{ item.Derivative }}, {{ item.EngineCapacity }}cc, {{ item.Doors }} Doors, {{ item.Transmission }}, {{ item.YearOfManufacture }}, {{ item.Mileage | number:0 }} {{ item.MileageType }}

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{{ item.AssetType }} - {{ item.AssetTitle }}

{{ item.AssetDescription }}

Price: ${{ item.Reserve | number:0 }}

Current Bid: ${{ item.DisplayHighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met)(reserve not met)

Current Bid: ${{ item.HighestBid | number:0 }} (reserve met)(reserve not met)

Vehicle Location: {{ item.VendorAddress3 }}, {{ item.VendorAddress4 }}

Time Left: Auction Ended

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